Creating unforgettable space journeys of the future
Let's go
Area: 804 square degrees
Brightest star: Deneb
Distance to the constellation: about 1,500 light years
Land on the planet Astra and embark on an amazing adventure amidst picturesque hills and water spaces
Welcome to Planet Nova, an amazing place where perpetual winter creates a stunning fairytale atmosphere
Let yourself adventure among the waterfalls and forests of Celeste, exploring its beautiful nature and enjoying the magical atmosphere of this world
The diameter of the planet Astra is roughly twice the size of the Earth
Distance from planet to the star: 1.5 AE (astronomical units)
Planet Nova has a diameter of approximately 12 750 kilometers
Distance from the planet to the star: 0.6 AE (astronomical units)
Seleste’s diameter is roughly comparable to the diameter of the Earth
Distance from the planet to the star: 1 AE (astronomical units)
Atmosphere consists of nitrogen, oxygen with impurities of gases
Average temperatures range from moderately warm to cold
A dense atmosphere composed mainly of ice and water vapor
Temperatures are always below freezing, at times reaching very low levels
The atmosphere is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
Seleste’s climate is temperate, with very mild summers and winters
To Earth: 20,000 light years
To Earth: 16,000 light years
To Earth: 12,000 light years
To Earth: 8,000 light years
To Earth: 4,000 light years
In 1977, signals were received from the Swan constellation. This event informed mankind for the first time about possible contact with extraterrestrial intelligence
A little known fact about the Swan constellation is that in the legends the home of the hero Atlanteus, who fought the hydra of Lernaeus, was in Swan
In Greek mythology, the Swan constellation was associated with the story of Cygnus (Swan), son of Lady Cassiopeia and Poseidon. Cygnus was turned into a swan by Zeus and placed in the sky
The Swan constellation is in the constellation of the Summer Triangle, together with the constellations of Lyra and Eagle. On summer nights in the northern hemisphere, it is clearly visible and easy to find
All materials are taken from open sources and belong to their authors
The project is for educational purposes and is not commercial
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